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Personal Portrait Editing

This is one of my closest friends Tim, in his finest suit. I used him for other Personal Projects, so I figured I'd use him here, too.




This is Devin. Devin's been a pretty big influence in my life. He's in Illinois State University right now, but he makes it back when he can to see my friends and me, and he plays Dungeons and Dragons with us. (Yeah, we're all nerds, but the good kind)

Brad's also been a pretty big influence on me. He's always pushing me to be better physically than I am now. He's one of the nicest guys I know, but can also get really into competition. He's graduating soon, and it's gonna suck without him here.

This is my cat, Samantha. She's a real cutie. I've had this cat for a few years and she's been a real pain, but I love her either way.

Guitar Hero is one of my favorite games, ever. I've grown a lot in hand-eye coordination through this difficult game and soon rose to be the best in my church.

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